Healthy Rituals to adopt

Healthy Rituals to Adopt

Quiet Time aka Meditation

Healthy Rituals to Adopt, Even if it is a few minutes everyday, some time specifically devoted to silence is important for mental stability and calm. Especially during the pandemic, we spend most of our time wrapped around nervousness, panic, anxiety and depression. Having some time to arrange your thoughts or just focus on your breath is essential. Quiet time could be anything; praying, yoga, meditation, studying or just plain silence.

Hygiene Check

Take a shower, whiten your teeth, use a body scrub, floss, put on a mask and go on a pampering journey. Even if you cannot have a whole day of epic pampering, just making a basic everyday routine is crucial. It could be in the form of just your good old everyday skincare or a nice bubble bath. so, go on YouTube, watch a video on pampering and follow those steps!

Healthy Eating

“Perfect diet” is a myth. No one wants to live off of green leaves. Dieting and fads are nothing but suicide missions. Starving ourselves to death is not what we were born for. But, just being little conscious can take us a long way. How does the food grow? From where did it come? How much does it cost? Take your probiotics; take cure of your gut health. Drink those lemon water and get that heavenly taste too along with those pizzas!

Self Education

Do not limit your learning mediums by a course, degree or a program. Learning should never stop. And, what a privilege it is that we get to educate ourselves. learn how to bake bread, or get into the venture of gardening. Master the art of pottery or just practice yoga. Learn to stay content or how to be a minimalist. Hop onto Domestika, coursera, and skillshare and maybe just get a hold of a software or start doing embroidery.

This is your time to turn your life around these healthy rituals to adopt can really make a difference

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